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This page lists relevant changes and updates in fiskaltrust's cloud services, on-premise products, and documentation.

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Middleware 1.3.45 (Germany)

· 3 Minuten Lesezeit
PosCreator Experience Team

In this version of the Middleware solved an issue in ByoDC that could lead to out of memory issues during the Helipad upload.


Version 1.3 of the Middleware is meant for the German market only, customers in Austria and France should continue to use version 1.2. We will unify these experiences in an upcoming version.

Bugfix: DSFinV-K export timeout in EF queue

We've fixed a bug in the EF queue where some configurations could lead to DSFinV-K export calls not finishing.

Bugfix: Indexes not created when multiple cashboxes share the same DB instance fiskaltrust/middleware#121

We've fixed a bug in the MySQL queue where indexes would not be created when multiple queues are created in the same MySQL instance.

Feature: Respect HelipadHelper configuration in ByoDC


This feature is only released as an rc version at the moment.

We've integrated the standard HelipadHelper into ByoDC. This provides better upload stability and ByoDC now respects the HelipadHelper configuration of the cashbox.

If you are experiencing OutOfMemory exceptions during helipad upload this should fix the issue.

Bugfix: Restarting byodc deployments occasionally leaves cashboxes locked fiskaltrust/product-de-bring-your-own-datacenter#75


This bugfix is only released as an rc version at the moment.

We've fixed a bug in the redis locking mechanism where a shutdown of the pod would not release the redis lock in some cases.

Feature: Update ByoDC base images


This feature is only released as an rc version at the moment.

We've update the ByoDC Docker base images to Debian 11 (Bullseye) and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) To get the newest Middleware updates in ByoDC you need to update your config.yaml to use the new tags:

tag: 1.3-bullseye

Or to pin a specific version:

tag: 1.3.45-rc2-bullseye

Feature: Better ByoDC helm-chart installation process


This feature is only released as an rc version at the moment.

We've changed how the Emissary Ingress is installed in the ByoDC helm-chart.

This should make installation and troubleshooting more transparent. Also this allows for multiple ByoDC installations in one cluster (See this guide for more information).


Please follow the Migration Guide when updating to this version of BYODC. Attempting the update without following the steps described there could destroy your BYODC installation. This update will lead to short downtime during the update process.

Affected packages

Next steps in the Middleware

We will focus on developing of an italian version of the fiskaltrust.Launcher in the next sprints. This version will be developed open-source, and our first public prototype can be found in the public repository https://github.com/fiskaltrust/middleware-launcher.

As always, we're happy to hear feedback and suggestions via feedback+middleware@fiskaltrust.cloud or directly via issues in our GitHub repositories.