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Access for fiscal control


The Portal manual is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, please refer to the PosDealer or PosCreator section of this site.

In case of any questions, we encourage you to refer to our current fiskaltrust Documentation Platform.
For further details, check the corresponding Knowledge Base Articles (KBA), which can be found on the fiskaltrust.Portal.

1. Login

In order to access the fiscal information, the auditor will need the PosOperator to login to the portal at https://portal.fiskaltrust.fr with his proper credentials.

Export fiscal archive - Login to the fiskaltrust.Portal

Number 1 Enter the e-mail address of the account to get fiscal archives.

Number 2 Enter the password according to the e-mail address used as user.

Number 3 Click on button [Login] to gain access to the fiskaltrust.Portal.

2. Identify queue for creating the fiscal archive

As the second step, the queue for the POS-System and/or outlet must be identified for the fiscal control. An outlet usually has one queue which holds all the receipts issued. To enhance performance or avoid working issues there can be more than one queue per outlet. In this case, this and the following steps have to be repeated to get for each queue to access the fiscal information.

https://portal.fiskaltrust.fr/Queue/ Export fiscal archive - Identify the queue to be exported in the fiskaltrust.Portal

Number 1 On the left side of the portal the menu can be found. Click on the word Configuration to open this menu.

Number 2 Click on Queue to show the whole list of queues created for the company.

Number 3 Each queue has its own description shown in this list. Normally the description should be clear enough to identify the queue.

Number 4 Each queue is assigned to a CashBox (a configuration container) and the ID of the CashBox can be found in the column Localisation. The name/description can be found in the details of a queue. To access this information click on the chevron just in front of the queue description.

Number 5 To start the configuration of the queue's export click on the export button Export queue.

3. Define the limits of the receipts to export

The first step to create a fiscal archive is the definition of which receipts to include. For defining these limits several possibilities are offered by the fiskaltrust.Portal. Each of the methods result in the same export. They are present to offer the best ways to define the limits of the export.

Export fiscal archive - Define the receipts to be included in the fiscal archive

Select by receipt number

Here the fiskaltrust receipt number of the queue itself is to be used. Do not use the local receipt number created by the Pos-System. By changing value in the first line, the slider limits are adjusted automatically.

Number 1 Enter the number of the first receipt (which will be included) to export. If this number is larger than the maximum of the receipts stored in the queue nothing is exported.

Number 2 Enter the number of the last receipt (which will be included) to export. If this number is larger than the maximum of the receipts stored in the queue, the whole queue starting with the number entered by from: is exported.

Select by date and time

Here the time or the date of the fiskaltrust.Service is used. For this the date and/or time cannot be tampered with by the POS-System.

Number 3 Enter the date of the first day which should be included in the fiscal archive. By changing the date, the time of this day is set to 00:00 so the first receipt of the day is included.
By clicking on Select date the date can be selected from a graphical calendar.

Number 4 To adjust the time of first receipt in the fiscal archive, a time can be entered here. This can be used for example to export by the start of a shift.
By clicking on Select time the time can be selected from a graphical clock.

Number 5 Enter the date of the last day which should be included in the fiscal archive. By changing the date the time of this day is set to 23:59 so the last receipt of the day is included.
By clicking on Select date the date can be selected from a graphical calendar.

Number 6 To adjust the time of last receipt in the fiscal archive a time can be entered here. This can be used for example to export to the end of a shift.
By clicking on Select time the time can be selected from a graphical clock.

Select with the slider

Number 7 By dragging the left handle of the slider the starting point of the export can be fixed. When the dragging is finished and the mouse button is released, the date and time of the last receipt to be exported will be shown in the from date and time fields.

Number 8 By dragging the right handle of the slider the end point of the export can be fixed. When the dragging is finished and the mouse button is released the date and time of the last receipt to be exported will be shown in the to date and time fields.

4. Define export type

The all journals are included in an export. The fiskaltrust.Service offers several options for exporting the journals.

Export fiscal archive - Export types

There are three types of exports that can be selected under the heading Export type in order to start the export of the concerned data:

Number 1 XML Export:
A full export of the data that was sent from the Queue. The data will be aggregated in an XML file that can be opened with Microsoft Excel, for example.

Number 2 CSV Export:
A full export of the data that was sent from the Queue. The data will be aggregated into CSV files that can be opened with Microsoft Excel, for example.

Number 3 FR-DEX Export:
A full export of the data that was sent from the Queue. The data will be aggregated in CSV files, by chain type and can be opened with Microsoft Excel, for example. This export is the fiscal archive that fiskaltrust offers and is not free of charge. This option is only available to clients who have opted to have the fiscal archive option.

In order to select the type of file locate the Export format column on the left side of the screen and click on the radio button beside the desired format of the export. Only one format may be selected, per export.

List of journal included in the FR-DEX export:

  • Ticket journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter("T" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

  • Bill journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter ("B" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

  • Invoice journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter ("I" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

  • Copy journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter ("C" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

  • Payment Prove journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter ("P" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

  • Training journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter ("X" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

  • Grand total journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter ("G" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

  • Archive journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter ("A" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

  • Log journal
    This is a part of the content of FR-DEX. The fields are descriped in detail at the end of this document in chapter ("L" group export) Content of the FR-DEX

5. Define export locations

Next, the Export target must be selected. The export can be saved in additional locations. These elements can be selected on the right side of the screen. Multiple locations can be selected for each export. if no external storage location is selected, the default storage for the export is the clients storage from fiskaltrust and no additional location has to be used.

Export fiscal archive - Export locations

There are three options for the export location:

Number 1 Azure Storage:
Uploads the output data (e.g. zip files) to a configurable Azure Blob Storage.

Number 2 FTP Server:
Uploads the output data (e.g. zip files) to a configurable FTP server.

Number 3 Default (if no selection is made):
If neither option above is selected, the export can be downloaded from the fiskaltrust servers via the fiskaltrust.Portal once the export is complete.

For each location element in the export container credentials have to be entered. Each storage location window is expanded after selecting the checkbox for the desired location. Depending on the type of location the necessary credentials differ. No credentials are saved on the fiskaltrust.Portal and are only used once to access the storage for saving the export.

6. Start the export

After selecting the necessary journals and storage location the export has to be started.

Export fiscal archive - Storage locations of the export

At the bottom of the export module the button [Start export] has to be clicked to start running the export in the background.

7. Running export

If the export has started, the status can be verified in the fiskaltrust.Portal.

Export fiscal archive - Verify a running export

The most recently started export is shown on top of a list which can be called in the menu ToolsNumber 1 with the command ExportNumber 2.

In the first column the start date and time is shown. In the column StatusNumber 3 the symbol Running export is shown until the end of the export.

8. Finished export

For a finished export the information shown in the above window changes.

Export fiscal archive - Finished export

The symbol in the column Status changes to Upload location. For each export, only one icon is shown.

The column Queue description lists the name of the Queue from which the export was created.

In the column Export type the format of the finished archive is shown.

The columns Start time and Finish time show when the export was started and when the creation was compelted.

In the last column Details the first and last exported receipt number is shown and in the last row which Queue ID was exported.

By clicking on chevron beside the Upload location the downloadable files are shown. Each export started in the fiskaltrust.Portal gets uploaded to the storage of the active client account.

Information about the export

The file journal.json contains the information about the processed export and the checked data.

Export fiscal archive - Example of journal.json

field nametypemeaningexample
LogItemIdGUIDID of this export in the log journal7948984a-ef54-4c78-8404-66b397280442
Momentdate / timeMoment of finished export2019-08-19T23:18:44.245682Z
Datajson object

Export fiscal archive - content of the journal.json (main part)

field nametypemeaningexample
ChainsCountintegernumber of chains exported1
StrictAscendingChainsintegernumber of chains with no errors1
OrphanedEntriesintegerentries with no parents and child0
Nodesintegernumber of nodes in a chain0
Leafs / Leavesintegernumber of leafs in a chain1
Sourcesintegernumber of sources in a chain1
Pathsintegernumber of paths in a chain1
MessagestringThe Queue is chained correctly

Export fiscal archive - content of the journal.json (data object)

Verification of integrity of data exported and how it works

In order to secure the cash register data, the fiskaltrust.SecurityMechanism provides the following general functions:

• chaining receipts, archiving entries and other journal entries;
• signing the payload with the private key of the queue;
• saving all the data in a read only format.

In order to create a chain, the signature of the previous receipt produced by the fiskaltrust.SecurityMechanism, has to be incorporated in the end of the next one. If a transaction is not sent to the fiskaltrust.SecurityMechanism for signing and chaining, the chain is broken and will be apparent when the “chainchecker” function is run. The archives are chained among themselves and contain all receipts, journal entries, summary counters and the archive journal itself. There are no possibilities to change any stored data. Any new data or “change of data” is written as new line in the journal with the respective receipt or journal type and automatically chained from the fiskaltrust.Service with the preceding line.

The file journal.json contains the information about the processed export and the verified data. The fiscal controller can check the integrity of the data by verifying there has been no break in the chaining by downloading and examining the journal.json file. After opening the file, the controller can look for the "TaskName": "chainchecker", section. The task “chainchecker” is run while the export is being prepared. If there are no breaks in the chain, then the message “The Queue is chained correctly” appears in the data set. The example below shows that the fiskaltrust.SecurityMechanism, has not detected any breaks or inconsistencies within the data set.

Export fiscal archive - Example of Chainchecker

XML export

The full export in XML format contains all the journals of a queue in an XML structure and are separated by data structure (see table below called "Data structures included in the XML and CSV files"). Once the export has been run, the completed export can be found in the Portal by clicking on the chevron beside the Upload location and selecting the XML file that appears.

Export fiscal archive - xml export in portal

This xml format is created as plain text file and readable with any editor, as shown in the following picture.

Export fiscal archive - Example of xml export (code)

The xml export structure is created in the way that if it is opened in Microsoft Excel, it will appear as shown in the following picture. If the Queue has a large number of entries, the journals will be split into smaller files and labeled, for example, ReceiptJournals, ReceiptJournals1,etc.

Export fiscal archive - Example of xml export (_Microsoft Excel Workbook__)

CSV export

The CSV export consists of more then one file. The full export in CSV format contains seperate files all the data structures (see table below called "Data structures included in the XML and CSV files"). of a queue in a CSV structure. Once the export has been run, the completed export can be found in the Portal by clicking on the chevron beside the Upload location and selecting the each individual CSV journal file that appears.

Export fiscal archive - CSV export in portal

This CSV format is created as plain text file and readable with any editor, as shown in the following picture.

Export fiscal archive - Example of CSV export (code)

The CSV export structure is created in the way that if it is opened in Microsoft Excel, it will appear as shown in the following picture.

Export fiscal archive - Example of CSV export (_Microsoft Excel Workbook__)

Data structures included in the XML and CSV files

QueueItemsTechnical overview of each receipt in the exported queue
ChargeItemsservices or items sold
PayItemspayments of business transactions received
SignaturItemsmandatorySignature block, which the cash register printed onto the receipts
ReceiptJournalsdata related to receipts handled by the service

Content of the fiscal archive

The fiscal archive consists of more then one file. The FR-DEX (French Data Export) is a file containing the receipt data, counters and security elements. The additional files are containing the detailed data of any receipt and are referred on with a unique id.

Content of the FR-DEX

FieldnameDescriptionexample data
QueueIdUnique id for the queue containing the receipt. Can be found on the Queue Configuration page in the portal.a0a11aa6-a831-4e6f-b24b-2109280debed
CashBoxIdentificationValue to identify the Queue. Can be found on the Queue Configuration page in the portal.RueHelder_1
SiretThe SIRET of the outlet using the queue. Can be found on the Outlets page as Location Id and on the Queue Configuration page in the used SCU.84159024300017
ReceiptIdUp counting receipt number allocated through fiskaltrust.SecurityMechanisms when send a request. It consists of two values the up counting value in hexadecimal value starting with ft and ending with #. The second part is an up counting number within the used journal, which is written as starting letter.ft1F4#T499
ReceiptMomentThe time of receipt creation in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)08.06.2019 07:42:49
QueueItemIdUnique id for a single item in the queue; provided by the ft.SecurityMechanismaae8709c-ad14-41ba-a684-ec8b92a26ee8
JournalTypespecifies the content of the journal like shown in Receipt journalsT
ATotalizerArchive totalizer overall: sums up all receipt totals in the archive; is reset on each send archive request to zero145678.73
ACINormalArchive totalizer chargeitem normal: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR normal89120.23
ACIReduced1Archive totalizer chargeitem reduced 1: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-136591.65
ACIReduced2Archive totalizer chargeitem reduced 2: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-211956.06
ACIReducedSArchive totalizer chargeitem special: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR super reduced; with rates that are not contained in the previous ones7923.56
ACIZeroArchive totalizer chargeitem zero: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR zero; with data which are indicated with 0% sales tax and data where the sales tax is unknown81.53
ACIUnknownArchive totalizer chargeitem unknown: the total cost of items not considered in the 5 totalizer before5.70
APICashArchive totalizer payitem cash: The total amount of all payment types cash, credit card, voucher76591.23
APINonCashArchive totalizer payitem non-cash: The total amount of all payment types wire-transfer, debit card, paypal66981.25
APIInternalArchive totalizer payitem internal: The total amount of all payment types payables, receivable2004.09
APIUnknownArchive totalizer payitem unknown: The total amount of all payment types not listed before102.16
LastActionJournalIdUnique key of the last stored zero receipt in the action journal73e0850f-446f-4b99-9b4f-85c14d50fb11
LastJournalFRIdUnique key of the last signed receipt45bf4a92-3f57-47c6-b581-72b84577b3ea
LastReceiptJournalIdUnique key of the last saved receiptfe7921db-feac-4603-ab4b-5baeb6db2697
PreviousArchiveQueueItemIdThe GUID of the journal item which contains the preceding archive709a3bd1-2318-40dc-a5d1-74634c477354
FirstContainedReceiptQueueItemIdThe GUID of the first item of the queue contained in this archive9a16ebc7-1fd6-4985-ad5f-b942a7757b43
FirstContainedReceiptMomentThe timestamp of the first item contained in this archive2017-07-20T22:55:52.944Z
LastContainedReceiptQueueItemIdThe GUID of the last item of the queue contained in this archive54c1e932-d5b5-4514-a911-53a850cd1411
LastContainedReceiptMomentThe timestamp of the last item contained in this archive2018-07-19T23:27:52.944Z
DTotalizerDay totalizer overall: sums up all receipt totals form the last daily closing; is reset on daily closing receipt13597.37
DCINormalDay totalizer chargeitem normal: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR normal5574.92
DCIReduced1Day totalizer chargeitem reduced 1: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-16118.82
DCIReduced2Day totalizer chargeitem reduced 2: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-2679.87
DCIReducedSDay totalizer chargeitem special: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR super reduced; with rates that are not contained in the previous ones407.92
DCIZeroDay totalizer chargeitem zero: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR zero; with data which are indicated with 0% sales tax and data where the sales tax is unknown679.87
DCIUnknownDay totalizer chargeitem unknown: the total cost of items not considered in the 5 totalizer before135.97
DPICashDay totalizer payitem cash: The total amount of all payment types cash, credit card, voucher5031.03
DPINonCashDay totalizer payitem non-cash: The total amount of all payment types wire-transfer, debit card, paypal7070.63
DPIInternalDay totalizer payitem internal: The total amount of all payment types payables, receivable1223.76
DPIUnknownDay totalizer payitem unknown: The total amount of all payment types not listed before271.95
MTotalizerMonth totalizer overall: sums up all receipt totals form the last monthly closing; is reset on monthly closing receipt322665.61
MCINormalMonth totalizer chargeitem normal: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR normal132292.90
MCIReduced1Month totalizer chargeitem reduced 1: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-1145199.52
MCIReduced2Month totalizer chargeitem reduced 2: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-216133.28
MCIReducedSMonth totalizer chargeitem special: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR super reduced; with rates that are not contained in the previous ones9679.97
MCIZeroMonth totalizer chargeitem zero: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR zero; with data which are indicated with 0% sales tax and data where the sales tax is unknown16133.28
MCIUnknownMonth totalizer chargeitem unknown: the total cost of items not considered in the 5 totalizer before3226.61
MPICashMonth totalizer payitem cash: The total amount of all payment types cash, credit card, voucher119386.28
MPINonCashMonth totalizer payitem non-cash: The total amount of all payment types wire-transfer, debit card, paypal167786.12
MPIInternalMonth totalizer payitem internal: The total amount of all payment types payables, receivable29039.90
MPIUnknownMonth totalizer payitem unknown: The total amount of all payment types not listed before6453.31
YTotalizerYear totalizer overall: sums up all receipt totals form the last yearly closing; is reset on yearly closing receipt4152706.39
YCINormalYear totalizer chargeitem normal: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR normal1702609.62
YCIReduced1Year totalizer chargeitem reduced 1: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-11868717.88
YCIReduced2Year totalizer chargeitem reduced 2: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-2207635.32
YCIReducedSYear totalizer chargeitem special: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR super reduced; with rates that are not contained in the previous ones124581.19
YCIZeroYear totalizer chargeitem zero: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR zero; with data which are indicated with 0% sales tax and data where the sales tax is unknown207635.32
YCIUnknownYear totalizer chargeitem unknown: the total cost of items not considered in the 5 totalizer before41527.06
YPICashYear totalizer payitem cash: The total amount of all payment types cash, credit card, voucher1536501.36
YPINonCashYear totalizer payitem non-cash: The total amount of all payment types wire-transfer, debit card, paypal2159407.32
YPIInternalYear totalizer payitem internal: The total amount of all payment types payables, receivable373743.58
YPIUnknownTotalizerYear totalizer payitem unknown: The total amount of all payment types not listed before83054.13
TotalizerTotalizer over all items132945514.64
CINormalPerpetual totalizer chargeitem normal: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR normal2945514.64
CIReduced1Perpetual totalizer chargeitem reduced 1: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-13232881.92
CIReduced2Perpetual totalizer chargeitem reduced 2: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-2359209.10
CIReducedSPerpetual totalizer chargeitem special: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR super reduced; with rates that are not contained in the previous ones215525.46
CIZeroPerpetual totalizer chargeitem zero: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR zero; with data which are indicated with 0% sales tax and data where the sales tax is unknown359209.10
CIUnknownPerpetual totalizer chargeitem unknown: the total cost of items not considered in the 5 totalizer before71841.83
PICashPerpetual totalizer payitem cash: The total amount of all payment types cash, credit card, voucher2658147.36
PINonCashPerpetual totalizer payitem non-cash: The total amount of all payment types wire-transfer, debit card, paypal3735774.67
PIInternalPerpetual totalizer payitem internal: The total amount of all payment types payables, receivable646576.38
PIUnknownPerpetual totalizer payitem unknown: The total amount of all payment types not listed before143683.64
SCINormalShift totalizer chargeitem normal: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR normal2549.63
SCIReduced1Shift totalizer chargeitem reduced 1: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-1431.79
SCIReduced2Shift totalizer chargeitem reduced 2: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR reduced-269.47
SCIReducedSShift totalizer chargeitem special: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR super reduced; with rates that are not contained in the previous ones13.62
SCIZeroShift totalizer chargeitem zero: the total cost of items of undefined type of service for FR zero; with data which are indicated with 0% sales tax and data where the sales tax is unknown78.94
SCIUnknownShift totalizer chargeitem unknown: the total cost of items not considered in the 5 totalizer before359.41
SPICashShift totalizer payitem cash: The total amount of all payment types cash, credit card, voucher2346.92
SPINonCashShift totalizer payitem non-cash: The total amount of all payment types wire-transfer, debit card, paypal945.77
SPIInternalShift totalizer payitem internal: The total amount of all payment types payables, receivable175.14
SPIUnknownShift totalizer payitem unknown: The total amount of all payment types not listed before35.03
CopiedReceiptReferenceReference to the origin receipt used for a copyTicket-6890
ReceiptCaseThe kind of the receipt, shown in table Receipt cases5067112530745229313
LastHashThe hash value of the preceding receipt2LpY9Zw4tr8NjNmF60rdpIfof40MRtcrX0avsBj8gXY=
CertificateSerialNumberThe serial number of the certificate used for signing the receipts08d791c48c4b727e

Receipt journals

LetterJournalReceipt CaseSignedChainedCounters raisedDetails
AArchiveArchiveyesyesnoStarts the archiving process and will trigger automatically a daily closing
BBillBillyesyesnobill and payment prove are created, this does not replace a ticket creation; a ticket or an invoice have to be issued to raise turnover and raise the GT counters as well
BBillForeign salesyesyesnobill and payment prove are created, this does not replace a ticket creation; a ticket or an invoice have to be issued to raise turnover and raise the GT counters as well
CCopyCopyyesyesnoin a request the previous receipt reference is mandatory; it contains the receipt number of the cash register which was handed out as a copy
GGeneralDaily ReceiptyesyesnoAdds daily counter to month-counter an then resets daily counter; keeps shift counter
GGeneralMonthly ReceiptyesyesnoAdds daily counter to month-counter an then resets daily counter; Adds monthly counter to yearly counter and then resets monthly counter; keeps shift counter
GGeneralShift ReceiptyesyesnoResets shift counter, keeps all other counters
GGeneralStart ReceiptyesyesnoA receipt with empty charge items block and empty payment block which amounts to a total of "0"; This receipt starts the ft.SecurityMechanism and has to be send as first receipt before using the queue
GGeneralStop ReceiptyesyesnoA receipt with empty charge items block and empty payment block which amounts to a total of "0"; This receipt stops the ft.SecurityMechanism and has to be send as last receipt before closing the queue
GGeneralYearly ReceiptyesyesnoAdds daily counter to month-counter an then resets daily counter; Adds monthly counter to yearly counter and then resets monthly counter; Resets yearly counter; keeps shift counter
GGeneralZero ReceiptyesyesnoA receipt with empty charge items block and empty payment block which amounts to a total of "0"
IInvoiceInvoiceyesyesyesA reference to the ticket can be created by using the previous receipt number in the request
LLoggingProtocol / Accounting / AudityesyesnoCan be used by the POS system to log custom accounting or auditing data
LLoggingProtocol / CustomyesyesnoCan be used by the POS system to log custom data
LLoggingProtocol / Technical EventyesyesnoCan be used by the POS system to log custom technical data
PPaymentCash Deposityesyesnototal amount is always zero
PPaymentPay Outyesyesnototal amount is always zero
PPaymentPayment Proveyesyesnototal amount is always zero
PPaymentPayment TransferyesyesnoSwitch between Payment method, e.g. from cash to credit card
TTicketTicketyesyesyesIssues a ticket with charge and pay items, has to be secured by printing the signatures send back by the service

Receipt cases

Receipt CaseValue hexValue int64
Cash Deposit0x465200000000000A5067112530745229322
Daily Receipt0x46520000000000055067112530745229317
Delivery Note0x46520000000000095067112530745229321
Foreign sales0x465200000000000E5067112530745229326
Internal / Material0x465200000000000D5067112530745229325
Monthly Receipt0x46520000000000065067112530745229318
Protocol / Accounting / Audit0x46520000000000135067112530745229331
Protocol / Custom0x46520000000000145067112530745229332
Protocol / Technical Event0x46520000000000125067112530745229330
Pay Out0x465200000000000B5067112530745229323
Payment Prove0x46520000000000025067112530745229314
Payment Transfer0x465200000000000C5067112530745229324
Shift Receipt0x46520000000000045067112530745229316
Start Receipt0x46520000000000105067112530745229328
Stop Receipt0x46520000000000115067112530745229329
Unknown (processed as ticket)0x46520000000000005067112530745229312
Yearly Receipt0x46520000000000075067112530745229319
Zero Receipt0x465200000000000F5067112530745229327

Journal types

Value hexValue int64Description
0x4652000000000000‭5067112530745229312‬Version information
0x46520000000000015067112530745229313ActionJournal in internal format; contains all zero-receipts
0x46520000000000025067112530745229314ReceiptJournal in internal format; contains all receipts that are not zero-receipts
0x46520000000000035067112530745229315QueueitemJournal in internal format; contains all detailed information