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Data structures

This chapter expands on the descriptions of the country-specific Data Structures, covered in the Chapter "Data Structures" of the General Part, with information applicable to the Italian market.

Receipt Request

Single fields

Fields from the receipt request that need special handling for the Italian market are listed below:

Field nameData typeDefault Value Mandatory FieldDescriptionVersion
cbTerminalIDstring (50)MandatoryThe unique identification of the input station/cash register/terminal within a ftCashBoxID1.3
cbUserstring (50)MandatoryName (not ID) of the user who creates the receipt.1.3
cbReceiptReferencestring (50)MandatoryUnique Reference for the Receipt. It is used to identify the receipt as well as reference receipts that are connected, like refunds, via cbPreviousReceiptReference.1.3
ftPosSystemIdGUID / string (36)MandatoryThis field identifies and documents the type and software version of the POS-System sending the request. It is used to identify the used POS-System. The POS-System itself has to be created in the fiskaltrust.Portal and its ID can be implemented as a constant value by the PosCreator.1.3
cbPreviousReceiptReferencestringOptionalPoints to cbReceiptReference of a previous request. Used to connect requests representing a business action. E.g. split, merge or reference a receipt to be voided.1.3

Examples of using cbReceiptReference and cbPreviousReceiptReference to connect requests representing a business action can be found in our Postman collection.