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Custom Server

Signature Creation Unit


Stable from version: 1.3.45

The fiskaltrust.Middleware.SCU.IT.CustomRTServer package connects the middleware with a Custom-Server.


ServerUrlThe URL or IP address of the RT Servermandatory
AccountMasterDataJSON serialization of the class AccountMasterDataoptional
UsernameRT Server administrator user namemandatory
PasswordRT Server administrator user passwordmandatory
SendReceiptsSynctrue: sends the receipts to the server - false: enqueues the receipts in the cache and sends them to the RT Server in the backgroundtrue
IgnoreRTServerErrorstrue: ignores the errors, the status and the logs must be checked, false: the exceptions will be thrownmandatory
RTServerHttpTimeoutInMsTimeout in milliseconds used in the communication with the RT Server5000
DisabelSSLValidationDisables the certificate verification in secured protocolsmandatory
ServiceFolderLocal folder for servicesoptional
CacheDirectoryLocal folder for cachingoptional


AccountIdAccount GUIDmandatory
AccountNameAccount nameoptional
StreetAccount address streetoptional
ZipAccount address Zipoptional
CityAccount address cityoptional
CountryAccount address countryoptional
TaxIdAccount Tax identification numberoptional
VatIdAccount Vat identification numberoptional

Please pay attention to the case-sensitive use of the parameters.