Custom Server
Signature Creation Unit
Stable from version: 1.3.45
The fiskaltrust.Middleware.SCU.IT.CustomRTServer package connects the middleware with a Custom-Server.
Name | Description | Optional |
ServerUrl | The URL or IP address of the RT Server | mandatory |
AccountMasterData | JSON serialization of the class AccountMasterData | optional |
Username | RT Server administrator user name | mandatory |
Password | RT Server administrator user password | mandatory |
SendReceiptsSync | true: sends the receipts to the server - false: enqueues the receipts in the cache and sends them to the RT Server in the background | true mandatory |
IgnoreRTServerErrors | true: ignores the errors, the status and the logs must be checked, false: the exceptions will be thrown | mandatory |
RTServerHttpTimeoutInMs | Timeout in milliseconds used in the communication with the RT Server | 5000 mandatory |
DisabelSSLValidation | Disables the certificate verification in secured protocols | mandatory |
ServiceFolder | Local folder for services | optional |
CacheDirectory | Local folder for caching | optional |
Name | Description | Optional |
AccountId | Account GUID | mandatory |
AccountName | Account name | optional |
Street | Account address street | optional |
Zip | Account address Zip | optional |
City | Account address city | optional |
Country | Account address country | optional |
TaxId | Account Tax identification number | optional |
VatId | Account Vat identification number | optional |
Please pay attention to the case-sensitive use of the parameters.