Type of Signature: ftSignatureType
The ftSignatureType
indicates the type and origin of the signature. The data type is Int64
and can contain a country-specific code, a value following the ISO-3166-1-ALPHA-2 standard, converted from ASCII into hex and used as byte 8 and 7.
Value | Description | Middleware version |
0x4D45000000000001 | QR code content | 1.3.40- |
0x4D45000000000002 | Archiving required | 1.3.40- |
0x4D45000000000003 | Taxpayer identifying code (IIC/IKOF) | 1.3.40- |
The Types 0x4D45000000000001
"QR code content" and 0x4D45000000000003
"Taxpayer identifying code (IIC/IKOF)" are also returned if the government fiscalization service is not reachable and thus the receipt could not be signed. This is different to Germany where e.g. the QR code is only returned when the receipt could be signed.