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The Portal manual is no longer maintained. For the latest documentation, please refer to the PosDealer or PosCreator section of this site.

In case of any questions, we encourage you to refer to our current fiskaltrust Documentation Platform.
For further details, check the corresponding Knowledge Base Articles (KBA), which can be found on the fiskaltrust.Portal.

How to manage a PosSystem in general see chapter Manage POS-System.

Manage certificates of a POS-System

This section of the fiskaltrust.Portal is only available for PosCreators. With the additional buttonNumber 1 in the overview of POS-Systems the certificate or self-attestation letter for this System can be managed.

https://portal.fiskaltrust.fr/POSSystem/ POSSystems - Overview

For POS-Systems in France, the French laws requires proof of compliance. These documents can be managed with this module.

https://portal.fiskaltrust.fr/POSSystemCertification/ManageCertificates/ POSSystems - Manage certificates

At first the type of proof Number 1 has to be done, by clicking on the button Certificate or Self Testation. It depends if a certification from one of the certification organizations (e.g. Infocert or LNE) is present or the software is declared compliant by the PosCreator himself.

By doing a Self Testation first the template file has to be downloaded by clicking on the button [Download self testation template]Number 4. After completing the document it can be choosenNumber 2 for upload and then importedNumber 3 in the file storage of the specific POS-System.

The certifciate issued by a certification organization can be choosenNumber 2 for uploading and then importedNumber 3 in the file storage of the specific POS-System.

https://portal.fiskaltrust.fr/POSSystemCertification/ManageCertificates/ POSSystems - Imported certificate

The uploaded certificates or self-testation letter can be downloaded by the PosOperator on his menu PosOperator and there with the submenu Overview.