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Service Status: ftState

The table below describes it supported statuses for the ftState field following the Greek implementation. The ftState from this reference table and the general part of this documentation can be combined through the logic operator "OR". For example 0x4752_2000_0000_0010 (monthly report due) and 0x4752_2000_0000_0008 combined through OR results in 0x4752_2000_0000_0018.

The country-specific code is made of the country's code value following the ISO-3166-1-ALPHA-2 standard, converted from ASCII into hex. For Greece (GR) this is 0x4752, which results in 0x4752_2000_0000_0000 as the value for the "ready" status.



v - version

version 2

gggg_gggg - global tagging/flag

ValueDescriptionMiddleware Version
0000_0000 Ready status.1.3.45
0000_0001 Security Mechanism is out Out of Operation
Queue is not started or already stopped.
0000_0002 SCU (Signature Creation Unit) temporary out of service
For at least one receipt, it was not possible to receive the signature from an allocated SCU, therefore the security mechanism has been put into "signature creation device out of service" mode. Regardless of whether an allocated SCU is available again or not, the mode remains in place until a ZeroReceipt cleans up the state and takes the market specific action required.
0000_0008 Deferred Queue Mode / Late Signing Mode is active
When the cash register doesn’t reach the queue, it queues up the receipt requests while continuing to do business. Also, with a major failure of the cash register or a power outage, handwritten paper receipts are queued up while continuing to do business. After getting back to a full functional state, these queued-up ReceiptRequests are sent to the queue, having the original cbReceiptMoment of the business case and ReceiptCase tagged/flagged with 0001 (Deferred Queue / Late Signing) or 0008 (Handwritten).
A result of this is a marker within the ftState, which can be resolved via ZeroReceipt. The reason for the marker is a mismatch between processed time along the receipt chain and a manual event to clean up the state and maybe notify 3rd parties of an outage.
0000_0040 Message Pending
Middleware/Queue is a headless background service, but there are situations where communication with the cashier/operator or the cash register is necessary. For example, if the last daily closing was missed or if a special condition related to the signature creation unit or service happened. This is the moment when the message pending flag is set by the middleware, which should be signalled to the cashier by the POS system. By executing a ZeroReceipt, the cashier can read the message or instruction on the printed or displayed receipt.
Related to local regulations, this receipt may be stored/archived with/for bookkeeping purposes; if this is the case, this is also visualized.
0000_0100 DailyClosing due
When the first cbReceiptMoment used since the last DailyClosing and the current/latest cbReceiptMoment in the ReceiptRequest have a date-gap of more than two days (for example, the first since the last daily closing is 24/08 and the current is 26/08), then this state indicates, a Daily Closing should be done.
DailyClosing is an essential part of the security mechanism and also executes additional market-specific cleanup tasks. Therefore, each queue should do a DailyClsoing to clear persistent changes in business data and also changes in the business period.
Something went wrong while processing the last request. QueueItem exists but didn’t reach the state of a ReceiptItem and didn’t consume a ftReceiptNumber within the chain. Error reason is shown within the responded ftSignatureItems.
This happens, for example, if the ReceiptCase is not recognized or is wrong.
Something went wrong while processing the last request, and nothing persisted within the Queue. Fail reason is shown within the responded ftSignatureItems.
This happens, for example, when the flag ReceiptRequest is used after a communication outage, and no properly processed item is found.

llll -local flags

cba c=reserved; b=reporting; a=scu related

ValueDescriptionMiddleware Version