Type of Payment: ftPayItemCase
This table expands on the values provided in table ftPayItemCase in General Part with values applicable to the Portuguese market.
v - version
version 2
PP - payment type
Value | Description | Middleware version |
00 | Unknown payment type for PT This is handled like a cash payment in national currency. | 1.3.45 |
01 | Cash payment cash | 1.3.45 |
02 | NonCash cash | 1.3.45 |
03 | Crossed cheque cash | 1.3.45 |
04 | Debit card payment cash | 1.3.45 |
05 | Credit card payment cash | 1.3.45 |
06 | Voucher payment (coupon) - voucher by money value cash | 1.3.45 |
07 | Online payment noncash | 1.3.45 |
08 | Loyalty program Customer card payment | 1.3.45 |
09 | Accounts receivable | 1.3.45 |
0A | SEPA transfer | 1.3.45 |
0B | Other Bank transfer | 1.3.45 |
0C | Transfer to Cashbook / Vault / Owner / Employee Positive (+) amount contributes to cashbox/vault. This higher the amount in cashbox/vault. Negative (-) amount lowers the amount in cashbox/vault. | 1.3.45 |
0D | Internal / Material consumption | 1.3.45 |
0E | Grant | 1.3.45 |
0F | Ticket Restaurant / (Sodexo, edenred, usw.) | 1.3.45 |
v - version
version 2
gggg - global tagging/flag
Value | Description | Middleware version |
0001 | IsVoid Marks PayItem as Void previous position. Quantity and amount are inverted, related to original item. IsVoid is used in cases where the exchange of money has not been executed yet. | 1.3.45 |
0002 | IsReturn/IsRefund Marks PayItem as Return of good or service. Quantity and amount are inverted, related to original item. IsReturn/IsRefund is used in cases where the exchange of money has been executed already. | 1.3.45 |
0004 | (reserved) | 1.3.45 |
0008 | Downpayment Marks PayItem as a downpayment. Positive (+) amount is reduction of downpayment. Negative (-) amount is creation of downpayment. | 1.3.45 |
0010 | IsForeignCurrency Amount is still in EUR, at the moment of acceptance. ftPayItemData requires two data elements with “foreignCurrencySymbol” and “foreignCurrencyAmount” to persist data for daily closing and later bookkeeping transactions | 1.3.45 |
0020 | IsChange Usually contains a negative (-) amount. (IsVoid => can be inverted) | 1.3.45 |
0040 | IsTip Must be a negative (-) amount to flow out of payment method. ShowInChargeItems flag can be used to raise the total amount by the tip amount, to have a more convenient visualization. | 1.3.45 |
0080 | IsDigital/IsElectronic Electronic money, digital money | 1.3.45 |
0100 | IsInterface/AmountVerified Was verified by interface, automated amount transfer | 1.3.45 |
8000 | ShowInChargeItems Visualize the item before Total Amount. This inverts amount and does include the amount into the visualized total amount on the receipt. | 1.3.45 |