In this version of the Middleware we reworked the way we build the reference trees in our DSFinV-K export to increase its performance in some specific cases. Additionally, we introduced some changes to the handling of specific business cases in our DSFinV-K export, and fixed a format issue that affected fiskaly TSEs and AmadeusVerify. Also we updated the target framework for our Android Launcher.
Version 1.3 of the Middleware is meant for the German market only, customers in Austria and France should continue to use version 1.2. We will unify these experiences in an upcoming version.
Feature: New Referencebuilding Algorithm for DSFinV-K Export
We have changed the algorithm for building the references in our DSFinV-K Export. Instead of displaying the whole reference tree we are now exporting only the last referenced receipt. This should boost the overall performance of the export, and also resolve some rare cases where a too large reference tree caused timeouts for some exports.
Affected packages:
- fiskaltrust.Middleware.Queue.EF v1.3.42
- fiskaltrust.Middleware.Queue.MySQL v1.3.42
- _fiskaltrust.Middleware.Queue.SQLite v1.3.42
Bug Fix: Handling Storno/Rückgabe in DSFinV-K Export
Thanks to our partners we noticed some cases where AmadeusVerify was returning an error for the Businesscases "Storno" and "Rückgabe". The reason for that was a wrongly exported value for the field "STK_BR". We fixed this issue and with version 1.3.42 this fix will also apply to historically produced data.
Affected packages:
- fiskaltrust.Middleware.Queue.EF v1.3.42
- fiskaltrust.Middleware.Queue.MySQL v1.3.42
- _fiskaltrust.Middleware.Queue.SQLite v1.3.42
Bug Fix: fiskaly certificate displayed in wrong format
We fixed a bug where in some cases the fiskaly certificate was not shown correctly in the DSFinV-K Export.
Affected packages:
- fiskaltrust.Middleware.SCU.DE.FiskalyCertified v1.3.42
Feature: Target Framework Update for Android App
We´ve updated the target Framework of our Android App to 12.0+ to both support this Android version and be compliant with the Google Target API Level Policy.
Affected packages:
- middleware-launcher-android v1.3.42
Next steps in the Middleware
We will focus on developing of the next version of the fiskaltrust.Launcher in the next sprints. This version will be developed open-source, and our first public prototype can be found in the public repository
As always, we're happy to hear feedback and suggestions via or directly via issues in our GitHub repositories.