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Portal - Dev Sprint 77

· 2 min read
PosDealer Experience Team

Signature Creation Unit details and important stability improvements

In sprint 77, development was mostly focused on syncing SCU details with the fiskaltrust cloud and displaying them in the Portal, and on improving the stability of recently added features.

Features and stability improvements

Signature Creation Unit details

We updated our backend services to properly process and store the information that Signature Creation Units query from TSEs in German middleware instances. This means that details like the TSE state, the maximum number of signatures, identification numbers, certificates and public keys can now be displayed directly in the portal as soon as a SCU was initialized (by sending a initial-operation receipt to the connected Queue). The details page can be opened by clicking on the button in the SCU ist.


The following information are displayed: Description, PackageVersion, CurrentState, MaxNumberOfClients, CurrentNumberOfClients, CurrentClientIds, MaxNumberOfStartedTransactions, CurrentNumberOfStartedTransactions, CurrentStartedTransactionNumbers, MaxNumberOfSignatures, CurrentNumberOfSignatures, MaxLogMemorySize, CurrentLogMemorySize, FirmwareIdentification, CertificationIdentification, SignatureAlgorithm, LogTimeFormat, SerialNumberOctet, PublicKeyBase64, CertificatesBase64

In addition, we made it easier to detect if an SCU was already activated by displaying this information directly in the list, as shown on the screenshot below.


User Management

Two issues in the new simplified invitation experience were fixed in this sprint:

  • When inviting POS operators via the newly added button, the loading animation did not finish for some users, although the invitation was properly executed.
  • Displaying the invitation history could led to a server error in some cases.

Data exports

We extended the recently added FR-DEX export by a new file that shows all required totalizers to fullfil the legal requirements. These values are directly read from the queue database and now written to the file FRDEX.{FILEHASH}-Type-QueueFRTotalizer.csv.

Additionally, we fixed an issue that could lead to server errors when displaying the exports of an account.

Next steps

In the upcoming sprints, the development team will continue to improve the onboarding experience, data exports, and introduce some updates to our shop.


We would love to hear what you think about these features. To get in touch, please reach out to